Finding Confidence as a First-Time Author

Have you ever wondered where writers find the courage to put their stories out there for the world to read? Well, let me tell you, having a strong support system has made all the difference.

Starting a new venture as a first-time author hasn’t been all rainbows and sunshine, in fact, it often has felt climbing a mountain without a map. But with the help of my own personal hype squad, I’ve found the confidence to believe in myself and my writing.

My journey started with my amazing grandmother, who encouraged me to start writing again after a long hiatus. She was the first to believe in me, but it was my husband who really pushed me to take the leap of faith and share my writing with the world. He recognized my passion and potential, and knew that I had a story worth telling.

My daughters have also been a constant source of encouragement for me on this journey. They have read my drafts and given me honest feedback, pushing me to keep going even when I feel like giving up. But, let’s face it, self-doubt can easily creep in, even with the support of loved ones.

Towards the end of writing my first manuscript, I found myself questioning every word and wondering if my story was good enough or if anyone would care about what I had to say. And while my family has been a huge support, there are a few other things I’ve done to keep pushing myself forward along the way. That’s why I want to share some tips on how I kept my motivation and confidence up when I felt like throwing in the towel. Join me as I delve into how I built an amazing support system that helped spur me on.

I highly recommend joining a writers group if you’re a first-time author. It’s an excellent opportunity to connect with other writers who share your passion for writing. By joining a group, you’ll have the chance to network, learn valuable insights about the writing process, and most importantly, build a support system to encourage and motivate you.

The second thing I did was build my online presence: I found social media platforms such as Clapper, Instagram, and Toktok to be great tools for connecting with potential readers and building a following. I joined writing groups on these platforms, participated in writing challenges, and shared my progress with others. It was amazing to see how many people were rooting for me and my writing journey! You can find me on any of the above platforms if you search Rachel Valencourt.

Another thing I found to be very helpful when my creative well was running dry, was a research trip I took to Washington State. Taking a research trip was just what I needed to get motivated to finish my manuscript. Being immersed in the setting of my story and experiencing firsthand the sights, sounds, and culture of the Pacific Northwest helped breath new life into my writing. It was like the missing piece of the puzzle finally clicked into place, and I was able to write with renewed enthusiasm and confidence. If you’re feeling stuck or in a writing rut, I highly recommend taking a research trip to gain fresh inspiration and motivation.

I know starting a new venture can be daunting, and trust me, I’ve been there. But it’s essential to find what works best for you. Whether it’s building a strong support system or taking a research trip, that first step can be the hardest part. As my mother always said, “Don’t let fear hold you back!” With the right people behind you, you can find the motivation and encouragement to push through tough times. I truly believe that taking risks and trusting in yourself can lead to great things. So take that leap of faith, and remember that with the right support system, anything is possible!

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