Schools Out for Summer

Hey there, fellow writers and readers! It’s me, Rachel, and today I want to talk about something that’s been on my mind lately: the work/life balance…in the summertime. Now that summer is here, our schedules have shifted and I’m going to have to be more creative about finding time to dedicate to my author journey.

As a writer who’s publishing my first novel, I know how important it is to stay focused and dedicated to my craft. But as a mom of teenagers who are out for summer break, I also know how important it is to make sure we have plenty of fun and quality time together.

So how do I find that balance? How do I continue my writing journey while still enjoying all the summer has to offer?

First and foremost, I prioritize. I make a list of my writing goals, work goals and my summer fun goals, and figure out how I can make them work together. Maybe I can wake up early and get some writing done before the kids wake up, or maybe I can set aside a few hours in the afternoon while they’re off at their friend’s houses.

But I don’t forget to also prioritize my family time. I plan fun outings and activities that everyone can enjoy, and make sure to be present and engaged during those moments. Remember, the memories I make with my family are just as important as the words I write on the page.

I also have to remind myself to be flexible. Life happens, and sometimes my plans don’t go as expected. I don’t beat myself up if I miss a writing session or have to reschedule a family outing. I just take a deep breath, adjust my plans, and keep moving forward.

And finally, I don’t forget to take care of myself. Writing can be a solitary and sometimes stressful endeavor, so I make sure to take breaks and do things that bring me joy. Whether it’s reading a book, going for a walk, or visiting my favorite California beach, I make sure to take time for myself and recharge my batteries.

So there you have it, my friends. The summer/work/life balance is all about prioritizing, being flexible, and taking care of yourself and your loved ones. Let’s make this summer one to remember, both on the page and off!

I’d love to hear some of the was a your schedules shift in the summer months. Please share your tips and insights in the comments below!

With love 🫶

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