Watch This Space

Hello, Lovely Readers,

I hope this message finds you all in high spirits! The moment is quickly arriving, and I simply can’t contain my excitement any longer. Mark your calendars because my debut novel, “Every Night Has A Dawn,” is set to make its grand entrance on October 10, 2023, and I’m thrilled to keep you all informed about some important events on the horizon for the month of October.

Here’s a sneak peek of how we will be celebrating the big release.

Save the Dates:

1. Pre-Launch Party – October 9th:
The celebration kicks off with a bang! On October 9th at 5:30 PST, we’re hosting a pre-launch party, and you’re all invited! It’s going to be an evening filled with camaraderie, sneak peeks, and shared anticipation for the adventures that await us within the pages of “Every Night Has A Dawn.” You can also register to win signed copies of the book and some other great gifts (book bags, Amazon Gift Cards, Etc.) Click here to enter the pre-launch giveaway

2. Book Release Date: October 10th
Get ready to purchase ‘Every Night Has A Dawn’ will be available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and all major book retailers – so you can choose your preferred platform to dive into Dawn’s story. I’ll also be announcing the winners our contests and giveaways, register here to enter these exciting events . You won’t want to miss your chance to win exclusive prizes and be a part of Dawn’s extraordinary journey. Click here to subscribe to my newsletter.

3. Virtual Book Tour – October 16th to 23rd:
Now, mark your calendars, for the grand event! From October 16th to October 23rd, we’ll embark on a thrilling virtual book tour together. During these engaging discussions and author readings, I’ll share the inspiration behind the characters and the creative process that brought “Every Night Has A Dawn” to life.

4. Book Signings – I’m excited to be holding a couple of book signings at several Barnes and Noble stores! Keep an eye out for forthcoming details which will be announced soon. Add yourself to the invite list for the Virtual Book Tour and book signing dates.

As we count down to the release date, I invite you to explore our dedicated author website. There, you’ll find behind-the-scenes insights, historical research, and sneak peeks into the making of “Every Night Has A Dawn.” It’s my way of giving you an exclusive pass to the world I’ve created.

I couldn’t be more thrilled to share this inspirational and beautiful coming-of-age narrative that celebrates the splendor and beauty of nature with all of you. This is a story that’s close to my heart, and I can’t wait for you to meet Dawn and join her on this unforgettable adventure.

I’ve put so much love into this novel and my hope is that “Millie Dawn’s story will kindle within you a renewed sense of hope and inspiration. I truly believe this novel is a must-read for anyone who’s confronted adversity—a timeless reminder that even in life’s most formidable challenges, we can discover the strength, hope, and love to light our path forward.

Stay connected with me on social media for all the latest updates, and most importantly, save the date – October 10, 2023 – for the official release of “Every Night Has A Dawn.” Together, we’ll embrace the beauty of nature, navigate the trials of the past, and revel in the unbreakable spirit of Dawn Jenkins.

I’d also like to take a moment to express my heartfelt thanks for your unwavering support and engagement throughout this incredible journey. Your enthusiasm has been a constant source of inspiration for me, and I’m truly grateful to have you by my side.

With warmth and excitement,

2 responses to “Watch This Space”

  1. I am extremely excited and can’t wait to five in and start reading ! Congratulations


    1. Thank you April. My book is now available world wide!


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