Every Night Has A Dawn Is Available Now

While it might seem like crisp autumn leaves should be falling as we approach November, those of us in California are still sweltering under a heatwave. Nevertheless, I’m embracing the spirit of fall with pumpkin-flavored beverages, apple picking, and harvest decorating. It feels like the ideal moment for us to share my latest news and updates.

Bookish Announcements:

Global Availability of “Every Night Has a Dawn”Great news! My book, “Every Night Has a Dawn,” is now available worldwide in both ebook and paperback formats. Whether you prefer to curl up with a physical copy or dive into the digital realm, you can order it from Amazon or Barnes & Noble

Book Signing at Barnes & Noble If you’re in the Encinitas area, mark your calendars for November 3rd at 4 pm! I’ll be at Barnes & Noble, ready to chat, sign books, and share stories with all of you. Join me for a literary adventure. 

Book Giveaway on Instagram For all you Instagram enthusiasts, don’t miss our exclusive book giveaway. Head over to Instagram Giveaway for a chance to win a signed copy of my latest work, “Every Night Has a Dawn.” 

As we sip our chosen brew and curl up with our favorite books, let’s make the most of this beautiful Autumn season. Share your thoughts, ideas, and literary adventures with me in my Bookish Announcements Facebook Group

What are reading right now?

Your Friend,

2 responses to “Every Night Has A Dawn Is Available Now”

  1. Enjoyed the book and living through Dawns life and her dreams and struggles and hidden secret ! Highly recommend this beautiful story’

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! Book two, Twilight’s Hidden Truth will be out Spring 2024.


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