My Blogger to Author Journey

Today, I’m honored to share the heartfelt journey behind the creation of my manuscript – a project that has truly been a labor of love. Allow me to introduce you to “Every Night Has A Dawn” – a saga that transports readers to the rugged beauty of 1930s Washington State, a time of profound significance in history.

Set against the backdrop of World War II, this historical fiction novel is a coming-of-age tale about a tenacious young woman and how her spirit is shaped by the events of the era.

I began this journey in 2018, pouring my heart and soul into the pages of this manuscript, but then life would get in the way and my writing would get pushed to the back burner. As the seasons changed, so did my determination. Last January brought with it a newfound resolve – a promise to publish my book by 2024.

Through the labyrinth of self-publishing, I discovered that every twist and turn, every victory and setback, was a testament to the enduring spirit of creation. It’s been an on-going adventure, an ascent into the unknown, where every step was illuminated by the passion that fueled me.

My goal was never merely to tell a story; it was to craft an experience that would resonate, a narrative that would find a home in the hearts of readers from all walks of life. Self-publishing became my chosen path, ensuring that every word echoed with authenticity and every page bore the weight of dedication.

It’s immensely gratifying to see that this effort has been well received, with “Every Night Has A Dawn” garnering rave reviews on platforms like Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The heartfelt feedback from readers affirms that the story has touched hearts and resonated deeply, reinforcing my belief in the power of genuine storytelling.

This novel stands as the first installment of the ‘Winds of Change’ trilogy. A family saga that spans more than 70 years and recounts the tales of three generations of resilient women. Inspired by actual events and set against a rich historical canvas, this is an inspiring narrative of women maturing in an ever-evolving world.

I invite you to join me on my writing journey through my blog at you can also download an excerpt of “Every Night Has A Dawn” here:

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